Sunday, January 11, 2015

For any student of Computer Sc he/she must be excelled in:

Discrete Structures
Sets, relation, Functions, Pigeonhole Principle, inclusion-Exclusion Principle, Equivalence and Partial orderings, elementary counting techniques, Probability, Measure(s) for Information and total information.


Model of computation-Finite Automata, Pushdown Automata, Non-determinism and NFS, DPDA and PDAs and languages accepted by these structure, Grammars languages, non compatibility and example of non computable problems


Definitions walks paths, trails, connected graphs, regular and bipartite graphs, cycles and circuits, tree and rooted tree, spanning trees, eccentricity of a vertex radius and diameter of a graph, central graphs, centers of a tree, Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs, planar graphs


Finite field and error correcting / detecting codes

Computer Arithmetic

Propositional (Boolean), Predicate Logic, Well-formed-formulae (WFF), Satisfiability and Tautology

Logic Families

TTL, ECL and C-MOS gates. Boolean algebra and Minimization of Boolean functions, Flip-flops-types, race condition and comparison. Design of combinational and sequential circuits

Programming in C and C++

Programming in C

Elements of C: Tokens, identifiers, data types in C. Control structures in C: Sequence, selection and iteration(s). Structured data types in C: arrays, struct, union, string, and pointers

C++ Programming

Elements of C++ - Tokens, identifiers. Variables and constants, data types, Operators, Control statements. functions, parameter passing, Class and objects. Constructors and destructors. Overloading, Inheritance, templates, Exception handling

Relational Database Design and SQL

Relational Database Design

E-R Diagrams and their transformation to relation design, normalization- INF, 2NF, 3NF and 4NF. Limitations of 4NF and BCNF


Data definition language(DDL), Data manipulation language(DML), Data control language (DCL) commands. Database objects like- Views, indexes, sequences , synonyms, data dictionary.

Data and File Structures

Data Structure

Data, Information, Definition of data structure. Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, priority queues and heaps

File Strucure

Fields, records and files. Sequential, direct, index-sequential and relative files. Hashing, inverted lists and multi-lists. B trees and B+ trees

Computer Networks

Network Fundaments

Local area Network (LAN), metropolitan Area Network(MAN), Wide area Network(WAN), Wireless Network, Inter Network

Reference Model

The OSI model, TCP/IP model

Data Communication

Channel capacity. Transmission media- Twisted pair, Coaxial cables, Fiber optic cables, Wireless transmission- radio, microwave, infrared and millimeter waves. Light wave transmission. Telephones- local loop, trunks, multiplexing, switching, narrowband ISDN, broadband ISDN, ATM, High speed LANS, Cellular radio Communication. satellite- Geosynchronous and low-orbit


Switch/Hub, Bridge, router, Gateways Concatahetsd virtual circuits, Tunneling, Fragmentation, Firewalls


Virtual circuits and datagrams, Routing algorithms, congestion control

Network Security

Cryptography- Public key, Secret Key. Domain Name System (DNS)- Electronics mail and worldwide web (WWW). The DNS Resource Records, Name Services. E-Mail Architecture and Servers

System Software and Compilers

Assembly language fundamentals (8085 based assembly language programming). Assemblers- two-pass and single-pass. Macros and macro-processors
Loading, linking, relocation, program relocatability. Linkage editing
Text editors. Programming Environments. Debuggers and program generators
Compilation and Interpretation. Bootstrap compilers. Phases of compilation process. Lexical analysis. Lex package on Unix system
Context free grammars. Parsing and parse trees. Representation of parse(derivation) trees as rightmost and leftmost derivations. Bottom up parsers- shift-reduce, operator precedence. and LR. YACC package on Unix system
Top-down parsers- left recursion and its removal. Recursive descent parser. Predictive parser, Intermediate codes- Quadruples, Triples, Intermediate code generation, Code generation, Code optimization

Operating Systems & Unix Case Study

Memory Management

Virtual memory, paging, fragmentation

Concurrent Processing

Mutual exclusion. Critical regions, lock and unlock


CPU scheduling, I/O scheduling, Resource scheduling, Deadlock and scheduling algorithms. Banker's algorithm for deadlock handling

The Unix System

File system, process management, borne shell, shell variables, command line programming

Filters and Commands

pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr, join, etc., grep, egrep, fgrep, etc., sed, awk, etc.

System Calls (like)

creat, open, close, read, write, iseek, link, unlink, stat, fstat, umask, chmod, exec, fork, wait, system.

Software Engineering

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Steps, Water fall model, Prototypes Spiral model

Software Metrics

Software Project Management

Software Design

System design, detailed design. function oriented design, object oriented design, user interface design. Design level metrics

Coding and Testing

Testing level metrics. software quality and reliability. Clean room approach, software reengineering

Mobile Computing

Mobile connectivity- Cells, Framework, Wireless delivery technology and switching methods, mobile information access devices, mobile data internetworking standards, cellular data communication protocols, mobile, computing applications. Mobile databases- protocols, scope, tools and technology. M-business.

Simple Applications (in windows)

Scrolling, splitting views, docking toolbars, status bars, common dialogs.

Advanced Windows Programming

Multiple Document Interface (MDI), Multithreading. Object linking and Embedding (OLE). Active X controls. Active Template Library (ATL). Network programming.

Digital Systems and Microprocessors

Digital Systems

Combinational Circuit Design, Sequential Circuit Design, Hardwired and Microprogrammed processor design, Instruction formats, Addressing modes, Memory types and organisation, Interfacing peripheral devices, Interrupts


Microprocessor architecture, Instruction set and Programming (8085, P-III/P-IV). Microprocessor applications

Data Base Management Systems

Database Concepts. ER diagams, Data Models, Design of Relational Database, Normalisation, SQL and QBE, Query Processing and Optimisation, Centralised and Distributed Database, Security, Concurrency and Recovery in Centralised and Distributed Database Systems, Object Oriented Database Management Systems (Concepts, Composite objects. Integration with RDBMS applications), ORACLE

Computer Graphics

Display systems, Input devices, 2D Geometry, Graphic operations, 3D Graphics, Animation, Graphic standard, Applications
Concepts, Storage Devices, Input Tools, Authoring Tools, Application. Files

Programming Concepts

Programming language , concepts, Paradigm and models. Data, Data types, Operators, Expressions, Assignments , Flow of control-Control Structure, I/O Statement, User Defined and Built in Function parameter passing
Principles , classes, inheritance, Class hierarchies, polymorphism, Dynamic binding, reference semantics and their implementation
Principles, functions, lists, types and polymorphism, higher order functions lazy evaluation equations and pattern matching
Principles , horn clauses and their execution, logical variables relations, data structure, Controlling the search order, programme development in prolog implementation of prolog, example programme in prolog
Principle of parallelism co routines, Communication and execution, Parallel virtual Machine (PVM) and message passing interface (MPI), routine an calls , Parallel programmes in PVM paradigm a swell as MPI, paradigm for simple problems like matrix multiplication
Preconditions , post conditions, axiomatic approaches for semantic, corrections denotation semantics
Complier structure, Compiler construction tools, coalition phases.
Finite Automata, Pushdown Automata, Non-Determinations, and NFA, DPDA and PDAs and language accepted by these structure, Grammars, language-Types of grammar-type,0, type 1, tope 2, type 3, The relationship between types of grammars, and finite machine, Pushdown automata and context free Framers, Lexical Analysis-regular express and regular languages.LEX pacemaker on UNIX, Conversion of NFA to DFA minimizing the number of states in a DFA, Compilation an interpretation Bootstrap Compilers.
Context free grammars, Parsing and parse trees, representation of parse trees as rightmost ma leftmost derivation. Bottom up parsers-shift reduce, operator precedence an LR, YACC package on UNIX, system, Top down parsers-Left recursion and its removal , recursive descent Parsers, Predictive parser Intermediate codes-Quadruples, triples, Intermediate code generation, Code generation , Code optimization

Data Communication and Networks

Data Communication

Analog and Digital transmission, Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission, Transmission media, Multiplexing and Concentration, Switching techniques, Polling


Topologies, Networking Devices, OSI Reference Model, Protocols for (i) Data link layer, (ii) Network layer, and (iii) Transport layer, TCP/IP protocols, Networks security; Network administration

Data Structures and Algoritms

Data Structures

Definition, Simple and Composite structures , Arrays, Lists, Stacks, queues, Priority queues, Binary trees, B-trees, Graphs

Sorting and Searching Algorithms

Sorting and Searching Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Interpolation and Binary Search, Asymptotic notations-big ohm, omega and theta. Average case analysis of simple programs like finding of a maximum of n elements. Recursion and its systematic removal. Quicksort- Non-recursive implementation with minimal stack storage

Design of Algorithms

Design of Algorithms (Divide and Conquer, Greedy method, Dynamic programming, Back tracking, Branch and Bound). Lower bound theory.

Non-deterministic algorithm

Non-deterministic programming constructs. Simple non-deterministic programs. NP-hard and NP-complete problems

OOP and Web Technologies

Object Oriented Programming

Object, messages, classes, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, aggregation, abstract classes, generalization as extension and restriction. Object oriented design. Multiple inheritance, metadata

Web Technologies

HTML, DHTML, XML, Scripting, Java, Servlets, Applets

Advanced Software Engineering

Software development models, Requirement analysis and specifications, Software design, techniques and tools, Software validation and quality assurance techniques, Software maintenance and advanced concepts, Software management

Operating Systems

Introduction, Memory management, Support for concurrent process, Scheduling, System deadlock, Multiprogramming system. 1/0 management, Distributed operating systems, Study of Unix and Windows NT

Artificial Intelligence

Definitions. AI approach for solving problems
Automated Reasoning with propositional logic and predicate logic- fundamental proof procedure, refutation. resolution, refinements to resolution (ordering/pruning/restriction strategies)
State space representation of problems, bounding functions, breadth first, depth first, A, A*, AO*, etc. Performance comparison of various search techniques
Frames, scripts, semantic nets, production systems, procedural representations. Prolog programming
Components of an expert system, Knowledge representation and Acquisition techniques, Butlding expert system and Shell
RTNS. ATNS, Parsing of Ambiguous CFG's. Tree Adjoining Grammars (TAGs). Systems approach to planning, Designing; Development, Implementation and evaluation of MIS
Decision-making processes, evaluation of DSS, Group decision support system and case studies; Adaptive design approach to DSS development, Cognitive style in DSS, Integrating expert and Decision support systems

Finite Automata and Formal Languages

Theory of Computation

Formal language, Need for formal computational models, Non-computational problems, diagonal argument and Russel's paradox.

Deterministic Finite Automaton

Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA), Non-deterministic Finite. Automaton (NFA). Regular languages and regular sets. Equivalence of DFA and NFA. Minimizing the number of states of a DFA. Non-regular languages. and Pumping lemma.

Pushdown Automaton

Pushdown Automaton (PDA), Deterministic Pushdown Automaton (DPDA), Non-equilvalence of PDA and DPDA.

Context free Grammars

Greibach Normal Form (GNF) and Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Ambiguity, Parse Tree Representation of Derivations. Equivalence of PDA's and CFG's. Parsing techniques for parsing of general CFG's Early's, Cook-Kassami-Younger (CKY), and Tomita's parsing.

Linear Bounded Automata (LBA)

Power of LBA. Closure properties.

Turing Machine (TM)

One tape, multitape. The notions of time and space complexity in terms of TM. Construction of TM for simple problems. Computational complexity.

Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages

Recursive and recursively-enumerable languages.

Information Theory and Coding

Model for C Information Channel

Discrete Memoryless Channel, Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC), Burst Channel, Bit-error rates. Probability, Entropy and Shanno's measure of information. Mutual information. Channel capacity theorem. Rate and optimality of information transmission

Variable Length Codes

Prefix codes. Huffman Codes, Lempel-ziev (LZ) codes. Optimality of these codes. Information content of these codes

Error Correcting and Detecting Codes

Finite fields, Hamming distance, Bounds of codes, Linear (Parity Check) codes, Parity check matrix, Generator matrix, Decoding of linear codes, Hamming codes

Image Processing

Image Registration, Spatial Fourier Transforms, Discrete Spatial (2-dimensional) Fourier transforms, Restoration, Lossy Compression of images (pictures)

Data Compression Techniques

Representation and compression of text, sound, picture, and video files (based on the JPEG and MPEG standards)

Operation Research

Linear Programming Problem

Linear Programming Problem (LPP) in the standard form, LPP in Canonical form. Conversion of LPP in Standard form to LPP in Canonical form. Simplex-Prevention of cyclic computations in Simplex and Tableau, Big-M method, dual simplex and revised simplex. Complexity of simplex algorithm(s). Exponential behaviour of simplex. Ellipsoid method and Karmakar's method for solving LPPs. Solving simple LPPs through these methods. Comparison of complexity of these methods

Assignment and Transportation Problems

Simple algorithms like Hungarian method, etc

Shortest Path Problems

Dijkstra's and Moore's method. complexity

Network Flow Problem

Formulation. Max-Flow Min-Cut theorem. Ford and Fulkersons algorithm. Exponential behaviour of Ford and Fulkerson's algorithm. Malhotra-Pramodkumar-Maheshwari (MPM) Polynomial algorithm for solving Network flow problem. Bipartlte Graphs and Matchings; Solving matching problems Network flow problems


Definition. Graphic and Cographic matroids. Matroid intersection problem

Non-linear Programming

Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Convex functions and Convex regions. Convex programming problems. Algorithms for solving convex programming problems- Rate of convergence of iterative methods for solving these problems

Neural Networks

Perceptron model, Linear separability and XOR problem. Two and three layered neural nets. Backpropagation-Convergence. Hopfield nets, Neural net learning, Applications

Fuzzy Systems

Definition of a Fuzzy set, Fuzzy relations, Fuzzy functions, Fuzzy measures, Fuzzy reasoning, App1ications of Fuzzy systems


Operating system, Structure of Unix Operating System, Unix Commands, Interfacing with Unix. Editors and Compilers for Unix, LEX and YACC, File system, System calls. Filters, Shell programming


Windows environment, Unicode, Documents and Views, Drawing in a window, Message handling, Scrolling and Splitting views, Docking toolbars and Status bars, Common dialogs and Controls, MDI, Multithreading, OLE, Active X controls, ATL, Database access, Network programming

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