Info About Common Service Fee

The common service is only for III B.Tech(LES)/III B.Pharmacy(LES)/II B.Tech/II B.Pharmacy.Many students(of JNTU-HYD) are complaining that the colleges are collecting the common services even from 3rd & 4th Year students.

If any colleges collects common service fees For 3rd & 4th Years of just take the official notification which is issued by JNTU-HYD(posted at the end of this posting) & show it to ur college principal if he still does not respond then consult ur college management regarding this issue.

Here i am giving the info on COMMON SERVICE FEE including the official notification issued by JNTU-HYD 


Lr.No.DE /JNTUH/III B.Tech(LES)/III B.Pharmacy(LES)/Common Services Fee /2009-10, Dt 06/07/09

The Principals of JNTUH Hyderabad Affiliated Colleges Offering
B.Tech.(LES) / B.Pharmacy. (LES) Courses.


Sub: JNTUH- Exam Branch- B.Tech(LES) / B.Pharmacy(LES) – Common Services Fee- 2009-10- Reg.
Ref: G.O.Ms No:216 of Higher Education (EC.2) department dated 11/09/2008.
As per G.O Ms No. 216 cited you are requested to take note of the following.
The Private unaided engineering including Pharmacy and Architecture colleges are permitted to collect,

(i) Rs. 2000/- as one time payment per student at the time of admission towards admission/ Registration/ Recognition fee and half of such amount of Rs 2000/- i.e Rs 1000/- shall be remitted by the Institution to the concerned University.

(ii) Rs 1500/- per annum per student during the course towards the common services rendered by the University to all the colleges and such amount collected by the colleges shall be remitted to the concerned University.

In view of the above, the colleges are required to remit an amount of Rs 1500/- towards common services rendered by the University per candidate who have joined during the academic year 2008-09 and entering in to III B.Tech(LES)/B.Pharmacy(LES) in the academic year 2009-10. The requisite fee is to be paid in the form of D.D drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of “The Registrar, JNTUH”, payable at Hyderabad.

Continuation of admission of the candidates in III B.Tech/B.Pharmacy is subject to the payment as per the details given above.

As per item No. (ii) mentioned above Rs 1500/- per annum per candidate admitted shall be remitted to the University by the College during the remaining years of Course.

You are requested to produce separate list of names of students (Branch Wise) along with their ten- digit hall ticket number in serial order only.

Requisite fee along with the documents should reach as on or before 30/07/09.

For any clarification, you may contact Dr.G.Krishna Mohana Rao, Additional Controller of Examinations(Cell: 9393333422), Hyderabad.
All the requisite documents and demand draft should be submitted to Dr. G. Krishna Mohana Rao, Additional Controller of Examinations, JNTUH, Examination Branch Building, Kukatpally, Hyderabad- 85.

Lr.No.DE /JNTUH/II B.Tech/II B.Pharmacy/Common Services Fee /2009-10, Dt 06/07/09

The Principals of JNTUH Hyderabad Affiliated Colleges Offering
B.Tech. / B.Pharmacy Courses.


Sub: JNTUH- Exam Branch- II B.Tech / II B.Pharmacy – Common Services Fee- 2009-10- Reg.
Ref: G.O.Ms No:216 of Higher Education (EC.2) department dated 11/09/2008.
As per G.O Ms No. 216 cited you are requested to take note of the following.
The Private unaided engineering including Pharmacy and Architecture colleges are permitted to collect,

(i) Rs. 2000/- as one time payment per student at the time of admission towards admission/ Registration/ Recognition fee and half of such amount of Rs 2000/- i.e Rs 1000/- shall be remitted by the Institution to the concerned University.
(ii) Rs 1500/- per annum per student during the course towards the common services rendered by the University to all the colleges and such amount collected by the colleges shall be remitted to the concerned University.

In view of the above, the colleges are required to remit an amount of Rs 1500/- towards common services rendered by the University per candidate admitted during the academic year 2008-09 and entering in to II Year B.Tech/B.Pharmacy in the academic year 2009-10. The requisite fee is to be paid in the form of D.D drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of “The Registrar, JNTUH”, payable at Hyderabad.

Continuation of admission of the candidates in II B.Tech/ B.Pharmacy is subject to the payment as per the details given above.

As per item No. (ii) mentioned above Rs 1500/- per annum per candidate admitted shall be remitted to the University by the College during the remaining years of Course.

You are requested to produce separate list of names of students (Branch Wise) along with their ten- digit hall ticket number in serial order only.

Requisite fee along with the documents should reach as on or before 30/07/09.

For any clarification, you may contact Dr.G.Krishna Mohana Rao, Additional Controller of Examinations (Cell: 9393333422), Hyderabad.
All the requisite documents and demand draft should be submitted to Dr. G. Krishna Mohana Rao, Additional Controller of Examinations, JNTUH, Examination Branch Building, Kukatpally, Hyderabad- 85.

For the Official Notifications check the below links

Notification on Common Services Fee

Doc File

Pdf File

Clarification to the Principals of B.Tech and B.Pharmacy colleges affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad regarding collection and remittance of University common services fee

1. Rs 1500/- only to be collected from all students who have joined in to I B.Tech, IIB.Tech(LES), I B.Pharm. and II B.Pharm(LES) (Whose hall ticket number starts with 08) during the academic year 2008-09 only.

2. The above mentioned students have already entered in to II B.Tech, III B.Tech(LES), II B.Pharm. and III B.Pharm(LES) during the academic year 2009-2010.

3. No extra fee be collected from the students.

4. Fee should be collected from the students who are on rolls only.

5. Principals should collect the fee from the students and remit the same to the University in the form of single Demand Draft (Course wise) drawn in favor of “The Registrar, JNTU Hyderabad”.

6. DD alongwith the list of students should be submitted to Dr. G Krishna Mohana Rao, Additional Controller of Examinations, Examination Branch, JNTU Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad

7. The last date for remittance of the fee is 30/07/2009.

For the Official Notifications check the below links

Notification on Clarification to the Principals of B.Tech and B.Pharmacy colleges Regarding common service fee

Doc File