Some of my friends were having problem using Turbo C on Windows Vista/Win 7..One of the major problems was vista didn’t support the Full Screen mode. So I thought this would able to solve...

here are the steps for it:

1.Copy the “DOSBox0.72-win32-installer.exe” from

Install it with default settings..

2.Create a folder “Turboc” in your C:\> directory.

3.Copy your turbo c folder such as “TC” in the folder “Turboc”. This is shown in the following diagram.

4.Run the software you installed. Its icon is present on the your desktop.

5.This will run the software, as shown in the fig:

6.write these lines in the screen:

mount c c:\>Turboc

Press Enter

Following message will appear on the screen

Drive c is mounted as local directory c:\Turboc\

Now write:


Press Enter

Now write:

cd TC

Press Enter,

Now write

cd bin

Press Enter,

Now write


All these steps are shown in the following figure:

7.Now following screen will appear:

8. Press Alt + Enter. Full screen mode of Turbo C will appear.

IMPORTANT : Don’t use shortcut Ctrl+F9 bcoz it is a shortcut for dos box to exit

Happy Coding