Saturday, October 18, 2014

Important Computer Science MCQS for UGC NET 2013

1. The graphical representation of a transition of finite automata is 
Ans.: State Diagram 

2. The logic family used for high speed operations is
Ans.: ECL(Emitter Control Logic)

3. A variable that holds the memory address of another object is
Ans.: Pointer

4. In C++, dyanamic memory allocation is done by
Ans.: new operator

5. The major goal of inheritance is
Ans.: extend the capabilities of a class

6. A top to bottom relationship in a database schema is established
Ans.: Hierarchical schema

7. A relationship is association between 
Ans.: Entities

8. In OSI architecture, dialogue control and token management done by
Ans.: Session layer

9. To deliver a message to the correct application program running on a host, which is to be consulted?
Ans.: Port address

10.Maximum data capacity of optical fibre cable is
Ans.: 1000mbps

11. Central hub or central controller is required by
Ans.: Star toplogy

12. Relocation of externally defined symbols is performed by
Ans.: Linker

13. Predictive parsers can be
Ans.: Recursive and constructive

14. The memory allocation scheme that suffers from external fragmentation is
Ans.: Segmentation

15. The most popular method to estimate and measure size of software is
Ans. Functional point analysis

16. An element that can be added or removed in a data structure at either end but not in the middle is
Ans.: Deque

17. The value of first linked list is
Ans.: 0

18. Code optimization is designed to improve
Ans.: Intermediate Code

19. Which is required to achieve correct results across the system
Ans.: Consistency

20. The requirement of a software system is well well defined and agreed to by all is
Ans.: Rapid application development model

21. A smart card has
Ans.: Three keys- Fabrication, personalization, utilization

22. Extraction and storing of data in warehouse and its applications is
Ans.: Load manager

23. Dynamic RAM consumes Less power and slower than static RAM.

24. A complete schema can be defined by
Ans.: DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML(Data Manipulation Language)

25. A table joined with itself is
Ans.: Self join

26. An important aspect of coding is 
Ans.: Readability.

27. The difference between original and reconstruction during compression is called as
Ans.: Disortion

Best Wishes.

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