Saturday, October 18, 2014


1. What is the difference between normalized data and denormalised data.
Normalised data means it has many tables and few columns per table.
Denormalised data means it has few tables, many columns per table.

2. Analysis of large database to retrieve information is called as
OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing).

3. What is meant by deferred update.
It is the process in which all the log files entries are made first but the actual updates are done later.

4. What is a recursive foreign key.
It is a key which references its own relation.

5. The data stored in the database which is accurate and consistent is called as
Data Integrity

6. The number of spanning trees that can be drawn using five labeled vertices is

Explanation: Formula = n^n-2

7. Formulas to calculate complete graph and connected graph.
Complete graph=n(n-1)/2
Connected graph=n-1

8. What is the difference between probabilistic logic, temporal logic, epistemic logic
Probabilistic logic: Reasoning about probability
Temporal logic: Reasoning about time
Epistemic logic: Reasoning about knowledge.

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9. Line clipping algorithms are used to
Decide spatial relationship between line and clipping window
Find intersection points

10. Synthesis Phase of the compiler does
Intermediate Code Generation
Code Optimization
Code Generation

11. Single stage network is also called as
Recirculating network.

12. Congestion control is done by
Network layer

13. Bridges operate in
Both physical and data link layers of OSI model.
Bridges help to divide a large network in to small segments.

14. What is a Parallel virtual machine(PVM).
A Parallel virtual machine is a message passing mechanism that enables us to create a
Virtual parallel computer using a network of workstations.
A PVM has the capacity to connect heterogeneous(different) machines.
It uses simple c and fortran functions.
Easily installable and configurable.

15. What are the benefits of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).
Faster speed

16. What is a context.
It is a label that identifies phase of execution.

17. What is the use of virtual data warehouses.
They provide views of operational databases that are materialized for efficient access.

18. Active x controls are Pentium binary program-mes that can be embed in
Web pages.

19. What are the four famous Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches.
Cognitive Science: Think Human-Like
Laws of thought: Think rationally
Turing test: Act Human-Like
Rational agent: Act Rationally

20. Famous AI search algorithms.
Generate and Test search
Best first search
Greedy search
A* search
Constraint search
Means ends analysis

Prepare consistently and achieve success surely.

All the best,
With regards,

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